
This paper presents the regeneration of parts of ship gas turbine engines by the plasma metallization process. One of the most modern metallization procedures is a plasma process, which has more advantages compared to other metallization procedures. This work will deal with metallization processes, i.e. the plasma-based metallization process and the possibility of applying this process to the regeneration of parts of ship gas turbine engines (GTEs).


  • In modern conditions of maintenance of mechanical parts, components and technical material resources (TMS), there is a growing need to regenerate mechanically damaged and worn parts, since it significantly reduces the price of repairs and maintenance of TMSs.Scientific achievements in the field of regeneration methods gave more technological solutions that enable the achievement of such results that the properties of regenerated parts surpass the characteristics of new parts, or at least maintain the quality of new ones.Several regeneration methods are applied, depending on the type of material, shape, damage, constructive and technological characteristics of the damaged parts, working conditions and application of certain methods in the given circumstances

  • This paper presents the regeneration of parts of ship gas turbine engines by the plasma metallization process

  • To make this technology successfully implemented, it is necessary to introduce technical diagnosis of the conditions of the exploitation of gas turbine engines (GTEs), some of which are of special importance such as endoscopy, vibration diagnostics, diagnostics and parametric spectral analysis of oils

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Osnovni pojmovi o plazma prevlakama

Naziv plazma nastao je kao potreba da se opiše stanje materijala, koji je doveden u parno stanje na viši energetski nivo od običnog gasovitog stanja. Pobuđivanje i prevođenje u stanje plazma-gasa vrši se jonizacijom pomoću visokonaponskog luka, koji nastaje između anode i katode u pištolju. Slika 3 – Strukturna šema plazma pištolja za prah (a) i za žicu (b) 1 – Cu sapnica, 2,3 – ulaz i izlaz vode, 4 – izolacioni prsten, 5 – ulaz gasa za plazmu, 6 –volfram elektroda, 7– dodavanje praha za nabrizgavanje, 8 – kontakt struje, 9 – žica za nabrizgavanje, 10 – cev vodilica Figure 3 – Schematic of the plasma gun for powder (a) and wire(b). Tu se vrši mešanje primarnog gasa, argona ili azota, sa sekundarnim gasom, vodonikom ili helijumom (sekundarni gas se ne koristi kod svih plazma prevlaka). Koji se želi naneti, ubacuje se (injektira se) u plazmu, na nekoliko milimetara od izlaznog preseka anode, rastapa i u stanju plazme nabacuje na površinu, na koju se nanosi prevlaka. Nosač praška (azot ili argon), istog je pritiska kao i primarni gas i potiču iz istog spremišta

Vrste i podela plazma prevlaka
Komore sagorevanja
Turbina visokog pritiska
Izbor praha za plazma prevlaku
Oksid hroma
Sastavljanje GTM sa regenerisanim delovima
Plasma metallization process
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