
In the present work the conjunction of chiral SU(3) model with QCD sum rules is employed to explore the possibility of $ \rho$ meson condensation in neutron stars. The quark and gluon condensates in terms of which the in-medium masses of $ \rho$ mesons can be expressed are calculated using the chiral SU(3) model in the charge neutral matter which is relevant for neutron stars. We observe that the condition of $ \rho$ meson condensation is satisfied for the density of about 7$ \rho_{{0}}^{}$ , where $ \rho_{{0}}^{}$ is the nuclear saturation density. We also observe that the medium modified mass of $ \rho$ meson is found to have a considerable effect on the mass-radius relationship of neutron star. In the end, a brief qualitative discussion of the magnetic field is also involved to search for further possibilities of $ \rho$ meson condensation.

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