
Generating gaugino masses at the leading order has typically been difficult in direct/semi-direct gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking models. The Komargodski-Shih theorem has established that local stability of the supersymmetry breaking vacuum implies a vanishing leading order gaugino mass in generic renormalizable O'Raifeartaigh models. We relax the condition of renormalizability and investigate the possibility to evade the KS no-go theorem using higher dimensional operators in the Kahler potential and the superpotential. We demonstrate that higher dimensional terms which are polynomial in superfields are not adequate to evade the KS theorem. We narrow down on the possible class of non-polynomial corrections that can induce unsuppressed gaugino mass in a global supersymmetry breaking vacuum. We find that these models are tantalizingly close to the theories obtained from strongly coupled supersymmetry breaking schemes.

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