
ρ = ∫ dαP (α)|α〉〈α|, (1) where α ≡ αr + iαi is a complex number, dα ≡ dαrdαi and |α〉 is the eigenstate of the annihilation operator â (â|α〉 = α|α〉), carets ( ) denote operators, and is called a coherent state [1]. Radiation is said to be in a classical state if the weight function P (α) is not more singular than Dirac delta function δ(α) or is non-negative whereas non-classical features do not follow such a condition. Earlier, the non-classical features, antibunching [3, 4] and squeezing [5–7], were studied with academic interest [3–6, 8], as they provide instances where classical physics fails and only a quantum theory can explain the facts. In squeezed optical field, the fluctuations in one quadrature component are smaller than those associated with a coherent state and it has potential application in reduction of ∗e-mail: kndmishra@rediffmail.com

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