
The use of creative methods in teaching a foreign language is one of the factors that contribute to increasing the motivation of students, which is one of the most important prerequisites for success. The importance of creative teaching of English is confirmed by surveys and analysis of learning outcomes, because a great role in the comprehensive development of students is played by the teacher, in particular, the teacher of foreign languages, who, above all, must develop high moral qualities in their educators and build relationships with them on the basis of mutual understanding, mutual assistance, trust and mutual respect in the learning process. The problem of formation and development of a humane personality is dominant in higher education, and the decisive role of the teacher in the formation of human qualities of the student is confirmed by practice and experience. The humanization of the relationship between teacher and student is the basis of the educational function of teaching, the results of which the student will carry out in various activities, in different versions of interpersonal relationships. Goal. The purpose of this work is to analyze the basic principles of comprehensive development of students during language classes. The article emphasizes the need for a creative approach to classes, self-development of the teacher, their mastery of new technologies for learning, including distance learning. Methodology. The purpose and specificity of the study determined the use of the method of description with elements of comparative analysis for a comprehensive coverage of the problem. Results. The article emphasizes the importance of a foreign language teacher's choice of learning strategies, materials and techniques for achieving overall language success. Even during the pandemic and the development of distance learning, the basic requirements for the teacher remain unchanged. In order to successfully solve the problems of learning a foreign language in non-linguistic higher schools, a creative teacher with a high level of education and culture is needed. Оriginality. In particular, the article shows which qualities of teachers are most in demand by students themselves as a result of surveys. Practical value. The article provides some recommendations in order to achieve the desired atmosphere in the classroom, the ways to relieve stress of students who do not easily learn the language, methods of successful interaction in groups. They can be used by foreign language teachers in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

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