
The field research were carried out in 2021–2022, in Mariza sugar beet cultivar. The aim of the study was to develop an alternative weed control program without lenacil. The tested mixtures containing metamitron, ethofumesate, triflusulfuron-methyl, clopyralid, dimetha­namid-P and quinomerac, used in various combinations together with the Atpolan BIO 80 EC Premium adjuvant, effectively controlled Chenopodium album up to phase 1 of the true leaf pair (BBCH 11). The absence of ethofumesate in the composition of mixtures or the use of metamitron (1050 g/ha) with triflusulfuron-methyl (15 g/ha) results in a deterioration in the effectiveness of combating Ch. album indencisive results. The addition of dimethanamide-P and quinomerac to the mixture of metamitron, ethofumesate and clopyralid gave inconclusive results. Depending on the year of the study, comparable control efficiency was obtained, oscillating in the range of the mixture of metamitron with ethofumesate, or a negligible improvement. The conducted research proved that the withdrawal of lenacil affect the deterioration of the effectiveness of combating Ch. album.

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