
In this paper, we consider the possibility of using multi-zone satellite images and automated processing of Earth remote sensing materials for solving problems of information support of the operation of pipeline systems in fire hazard conditions. The possibility of classifying vegetation types based on Sentinel-2A satellite images, taking into account data from selective ground inspection, as well as assessment of the forest-ecological situation along pipeline routes is demonstrated. The method of using multispectral satellite images for analyzing the forest fire situation was presented. On the example woodlands of the North Sakhalin by TERRA satellite images it was shown that vegetation cover can be monitored in forest areas where pipelines are laid. The proposed and tested approach can be used for analysis of conditions in forests with a developed pipeline network. The combinations of Landsat 8 (ETM+) and Sentinel-2 (MSI S2A) channels that best allow detecting and monitoring fires are shown, as well as example of implementing by GIS-based forest fire monitoring system.

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