
We have to educate comprehensively developed young generation with broad world vision, deep socialhumanitarian training and modern thinki ng. This requires from teachers more deep knowledge, creative approach for educating young generation based on achievements of domestic and world science, improvement of traditional and new pedagogical technologies. Informational technologies have several advantages which make them indispensable for realization of needs of XXI century. Use of informational technologies in process of teaching subject History of allows the teacher not only to ensure the interest of learners to the theme of lesson and achieve better assimilation of studying material, but also to revive the interest to the history of nation, its modern achievements in culture and science. This article describes the features of using information technology in history lessons, explains how to use modern means of video technology that allows you to simulate different situations and environments. In national program of personnel training adopted in 1997 the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan set a number of new objectives due to which the requirements for future specialists are steadily increasing. We have to educate comprehensively developed young generation with broad world vision, deep socialhumanitarian training and modern thinking. This requires from teachers more deep knowledge, creative approach for educating young generation based on achievements of domestic and world science, improvement of traditional and new pedagogical technologies. At the present time almost every teacher of history uses untraditional forms of educating. It is connected with the emergence of teachers' new style of pedagogical thinking, oriented on effective solving of educational problems. A special place in educating comprehensive developed generation and patriots of their homeland takes the subject History of as this subject is the basis for enhancing intellect and culture of behavior, forming world vision, critical and independent thinking of young generation. Modern teacher of history has such issues as alternative ways of solving and assessing problems of the past, choosing ways of development in particular period of time, forecasting events, ethical assessing of individuals and events. Discussion of these issues in the lesson is impossible without experience of conducting dialogue and initiation to creative activity. Deeper assimilation of this subject by students is impossible without constant working of teacher on himself, improving skills and regular seeking for different forms and new ways of teaching. Thus, teachers of subject History of implement into educational process different styles of pedagogical and informational technologies, the main purpose of which is enhancing efficiency and quality of teaching, social and labor activity of students. Informational technologies have several advantages which make them indispensable for realization of needs of XXI century. Today, the informational technologies have become the most effective means of studying, keeping and popularizing long history and unique traditions of our homeland, analyzing its today view and perspectives for development in the XXI century. Uzbekistan, as with its ancient sociocultural and civilization development in Central Asia has enormous historic and artistic value; making them accessible for citizens of our country and people from all over the world using informational and digital technologies is urgent objective today. Using them in the lessons of history helps to popularize monuments of architecture and history, opens access to museum exhibitions and vaults, archives and works of folk artists, provides rich informational basis for learning. Despite that, informational technologies help student to define more precisely the place and role of Central Asian civilization in history of mankind, therefore making to fell bigger pride for the country and nation, promotes development and growth of patriotism.

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