
3D scanning finds more and more application every year in various fields of science, technology and production. 3D scanners are devices designed to scan physical objects with the possibility of modification and editing of the obtained models in specialized CAD systems. (Research purpose) The research purpose is to consider the possibilities of using 3D scanners in agriculture based on the analysis of existing models and the principles of their operation. (Materials and methods) There were used open information sources dedicated to the issues of 3D scanning. There have been studied the experience of using a 3D scanner based on FNAC VIM. The research was carried out using methods of collecting, studying and comparative analysis of information. (Results and discussion) With the use of a 3D scanner, it is possible to scan various physical objects, obtaining their three-dimensional digital models with high accuracy (the quality of the result depends on the selected scanner model and the scan processing used). The scanning method distinguishes between contact scanners, scanners using structured light, and laser scanners. Tomographs have been allocated to a separate group as a kind of 3D scanners, which make it possible to obtain models of objects with complex internal cavities. The most popular program is Geomagic Design X as a program that allows to obtain a solid-state model from a scan with subsequent editing in various CAD/CAM/CAE systems. The article presents the experiments conducted on the basis of FNAC VIM, showing the possibility of using 3D scanning to obtain a model of a ploughshare and analyze changes in its shape due to wear. (Conclusions) The use of 3D scanning in the agro-industrial complex is relevant as a means of controlling the geometric dimensions of parts at enterprises engaged in the manufacture and repair of agricultural machinery. 3D scanning serves as a convenient tool for conducting scientific research of a wide range.

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