
Results obtained when studying conjugation in mycobacteria by means of different methods are summarized. The method of conjugation on surface of a solid complete medium was tested with different auxotrophic mutants of different strains of Mycobacterium smegmatis. It was not possible to obtain positive results even by means of the above method. This was probably due to unsuitability of the chosen strains of Mycobacterium smegmatis. Preparation of the donor strain by transfer of the F factor from Escherichia coli F'ORF 1 ade+ lac+ pro+ to Mycobacterium phlei PA ade Stmr by means of sexduction is described. Frequency of the phenotype PA ade+ Stmr increased in the average by two and a half orders of magnitude with respect to the control, however, a further transfer from cultures of the cells ade+ Stmr to cells ade could not be demonstrated. Experiments aimed at transferring the R factor from strains Escherichia coli K-12 to Mycobacterium phlei were unsuccessful.

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