
The problem of early prevention of functional disorders, fatigue in the learning process, work activities and methods of correction (stay of employees and students in the rooms of psychological relief, decorated with magnesia-shungite and potassium materials) are currently an important and relevant part of the scientifi c support of educational activities of persons of intellectual labor.The psychophysiological substantiation of effi ciency of use of relaxation in the shungite room of workers of neuro-emotional mental work and stay in sylvinite educational audience of students is given.Hygienic assessment of labor intensity by hazard class was carried out in accordance with the Guidelines 2.2.2006.05. Production psychophysiological studies were aimed at determining the physiological characteristics of the functional state of the Central nervous (CNS) and cardiovascular (CV) systems using conventional methods (conducted in the room of psychological relief). Psychological studies included an assessment of the level of anxiety on the Spielberger test. A total of about 150 people aged 32.00±1.15 years with work experience in the profession of 10.00±0.99 years were examined. Th e study in the sylvinite classroom was att ended by 92 senior students of both sexes aged 22–25 years. All students were divided into two groups: the observation group — 56 students who were trained in sylvinite classroom, and the comparison group — 36 students who were engaged in a normal classroom.Physiological studies have confi rmed the positive impact of a complex of hygienic factors of the internal environment of sylvinite audience on the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of students. Th e features of the positive infl uence of schungite room (SR) leading to CNS functions in workers with diff erent intensity of work. Recovery in the SR to a greater extent increase the levels of att ention function, speed of signal perception and short-term memory in workers with high neuro-emotional labor intensity.It is shown that an important property of shungite correction is an increase in the activity of CNS functions at a high degree of labor intensity. In students in the process of performing intense mental work features of the formation of the functional state and per formance are closely related to the increase in the area of the salt surface.

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