
The object of this research is a polemical question within the theory of international relations – the transformation of world orders. The author believes that this work is a compromise in the long-lasting scientific dispute on the principles of the end of one world order and the beginning of the new world order. Description is given to the current world order of international relations, its characteristics and reference points. The key goal of this research consists in theoretical substantiation of various aspects of the possible shift of the current world order. The article indicates certain untenable aspects of the current world order, and outlines the possibilities of its revision from the perspective of the three fundamental theoretical paradigms of international relations. The goal is set to arrange the anarchically disparate representations on the system of international relation, and derive a comprehensible, uniform structure, which also defines the novelty of the conducted research. It is claimed that since the end of the World War II, the international relations have existed in the form of Yalta-Potsdam system, which at this point indicates the three world orders, including since dissolution of the Soviet Union. Emphasis is placed on the issue of hegemony of the United States and the idea of unipolar world striving for multipolarity. The author’s special contribution lies in comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon under consideration, which incorporates numerous articles of the reputable publishers and experts who have already dealt with the difficult theoretical problem in the theory of international relations.

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