
The aim of the current work is to investigate the possibility of developing energy tourism on the island of Crete, Greece. The concept of energy tourism is related to the interest of some visitors to explore various renewable energy installations during their vacations acquiring new knowledge, and experiences and probably having new perceptions about these benign energy technologies. The flourishing tourism industry and the existing renewable energy installations in Crete are mentioned. The preconditions of its development in Crete as well as the benefits of various stakeholders on the island are stated. Our results indicate that the required preconditions for the development of energy tourism in Crete are fulfilled offering new prospects for the promotion of thematic tourism on the island. Various daily guided tours to renewable energy installations could be organized and offered to visitors according to their interests and preferences. It can be said that Crete is a privileged island regarding the development of energy tourism having a flourishing tourism industry and abundant renewable energy resources currently used for heat and power generation. The findings of the current study are important for the future development of energy tourism in Crete which could create many benefits for all stakeholders on the island.

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