
Summary. Aim. The purpose of the work was to study the possibility of alternative antibacterial therapy by the type of lymphotropic targeted accumulative antibiotic therapy for injuries of the abdominal cavity.
 Materials and methods. To implement it, we studied in an experiment the accumulation of the antibiotic in the tissues of various organs of rabbits after its lymphotropic administration.
 Results of the research. The experiment proved, that lymphotropic antibiotic therapy, depending on the place of regional administration of the drug, contributes to the targeted accumulation of the antibiotic in the corresponding organ in an amount sufficient for a persistent antibacterial effect.
 Conclusions. The proposed method of administration of antibacterial drugs may be the most appropriate for injuries of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, as it significantly reduces the likelihood of purulent-septic complications and makes it possible to significantly reduce the length of stay of patients in the hospital, reduce the amount of financial costs and early return to socially useful work.

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