
This paper presents comparative results of positron spectroscopy studies in ferroelectrics, semiconductors and glasses. The positron lifetime spectroscopy study is focused on the investigation of the positron trapping rate in the ferroelectrics, the Triglycine Sulphate (TGS) (NH3CH2COOH)3H2SO4, Rochelle Salt (RS) NaKC4H4O64H2O and Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (KDP) KH2PO4 structures, semiconductors and glasses. The positive positron charge opens the possibility for determining the changes in charge states in technologically important order-disorder ferroelectrics. The positron lifetime spectroscopy (PLS) results show that the second lifetime component as a function of temperature in order-disorder ferroelectrics TGS, RS and KDP is due to the positron trapping in negatively charged defects of ferroelectric. The PLS analysis has been applied for examination of positron trapping in the electronicdefect structure in selected ferroelectrics materials, semiconductors and glasses.

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