
Let ( W , S ) (W,S) be a Coxeter system and let w ↦ w ∗ w \mapsto w^* be an involution of W W which preserves the set of simple generators S S . Lusztig and Vogan have recently shown that the set of twisted involutions (i.e., elements w ∈ W w \in W with w − 1 = w ∗ w^{-1} = w^* ) naturally generates a module of the Hecke algebra of ( W , S ) (W,S) with two distinguished bases. The transition matrix between these bases defines a family of polynomials P y , w σ P^\sigma _{y,w} which one can view as “twisted” analogues of the much-studied Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials of ( W , S ) (W,S) . The polynomials P y , w σ P^\sigma _{y,w} can have negative coefficients, but display several conjectural positivity properties of interest. This paper reviews Lusztig’s construction and then proves three such positivity properties for Coxeter systems which are universal (i.e., having no braids relations), generalizing previous work of Dyer. Our methods are entirely combinatorial and elementary, in contrast to the geometric arguments employed by Lusztig and Vogan to prove similar positivity conjectures for crystallographic Coxeter systems.

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