
Two essential properties of energy–momentum tensors Tμν are their positivity and conservation. This is mathematically formalized by, respectively, an energy condition, as the dominant energy condition, and the vanishing of their divergence ∇μTμν = 0. The classical Bel and Bel–Robinson superenergy tensors, generated from the Riemann and Weyl tensors, respectively, are rank-4 tensors. But they share these two properties with energy–momentum tensors: the dominant property (DP) and the divergence-free property in the absence of sources (vacuum). Senovilla [2, 3] defined a universal algebraic construction which generates a basic superenergy tensor T{A} from any arbitrary tensor A. In this construction, the seed tensor A is structured as an r-fold multivector, which can always be done. The most important feature of the basic superenergy tensors is that they satisfy automatically the DP, independently of the generating tensor A. In [8], we presented a more compact definition of T{A} using the r-direct Clifford algebra ⊗r \U0001d49eℓp,q. This form for the superenergy tensors allowed us to obtain an easy proof of the DP valid for any dimension. In this paper we include this proof. We explain which new elements appear when we consider the tensor T{A} generated by a non-degree-defined r-fold multivector A and how orthogonal Lorentz transformations and bilinear observables of spinor fields are included as particular cases of superenergy tensors. We find some sufficient conditions for the seed tensor A, which guarantee that the generated tensor T{A} is divergence-free. These sufficient conditions are satisfied by some physical fields, which are presented as examples.

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