
Changes in the conductivity of p-type quantum-well heterostructures of Si0.05Ge0.95 alloy are studied at temperatures ranging from 0.352–7.1K and magnetic fields of up to 11T. The distinctive feature of the sample was asymmetric doping, with layers of Si0.4Ge0.6 with boron impurity concentrations of 2⋅1018 and 8⋅1018cm−3 positioned on opposite sides of the quantum well. Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations were observed clearly against the background of a high quasiclassical positive magnetoresistance. The field dependence of the magnetoresistance is well described by a function of the form ρxx(B)∕ρxx(0)∝B12∕7, as predicted by a theory including the combined effect of both short- and long-range disorder. The contribution to the temperature and magnetic field dependences of the resistance owing to quantum corrections associated with weak localization and charge carrier interactions is determined. Strong spin-orbital scattering of holes on the quantum well is revealed by analyzing these corrections. A study of the variations in the amplitude of the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations with temperature and magnetic field (including the monotonic behavior of the resistance with changing magnetic field) makes it possible to determine the effective mass of the charge carriers, m*=0.17m0 The temperature dependence of the hole-phonon relaxation time was found by studying the overheating of charge carriers by an electric field.

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