
The incidence of circulatory disorders is increasing against the background of increasing life expectancy. Cardiovascular, metabolic and inflammatory disorders are directly associated with endothelial dysfunction of the small blood vessels. It is possible to influence microcirculation disorders in various ways through the use of drugs. An experimental investigation at the University of Tubingen in cooperation with the Charite Berlin has recently shown that the complex homoeopathic preparation Vertigoheel in vitro influences the contraction of smooth muscle cells. The investigation was performed on sections of rats’ arteries, which were initially contracted and then treated with various concentrations of Vertigoheel. The concentrations used corresponded to the dosages used in clinical therapy. On the one hand the complex remedy induces – through its direct effect on beta-2 receptors and a partial rise in NO – an increase in the synthesis of the messenger substances, while at the same time inhibiting their degradation. The resulting effect is a higher concentration of the molecules, leading to the development of the protective effect of NO. The study showed that under the influence of Vertigoheel there was significant, concentration-dependent relaxation in the vascular wall. In a further fundamental investigation it was possible to show the influence of Vertigoheel on the activity of human adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterases IV and V. From the combination of these data it is now possible to describe the signalling pathways of Vertigoheel in a scientifically established manner. However, Vertigoheel not only improves the signalling pathways of smooth muscle cells but also is an effective medication for the therapy of vertigo of varying genesis. Various clinical investigations and cohort studies have shown an equivalent effect to dimenhydrinate ( n =774), betahistine ( n =117) and ginkgo biloba ( n =170). In each case the frequency, duration and intensity of the vertigo attacks were determined, as well as the tolerability of the medication. A meta-analysis of four studies also underlined the efficacy of Vertigoheel in cases of vertigo of varying genesis.

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