
The term "quota" was first introduced in the United States of America under President John F. Kennedy in 1961, with the aim of imposing justice and equality among all. The policy of racial discrimination was widespread in the country. It became an internationally accepted term after it was adopted by 30% The Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995, can be applied in various fields in order to promote women's participation and opportunities for equality. In the political sphere, the quota system is applied by governments and political parties to enable them politically as they have suffered from unequal opportunities In this area to.
 This paper deals with women's quota in the perspective of the Kurdish parties in terms of its adoption and how to apply it based on the information, ratios and statistics that analyze this through two demands. The first deals with the conceptual framework of the quota system. The second .concerns the effect of applying the quota system within Kurdish parties to activate the role woman.

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