
In a number of languages, vowel harmony is generally initiated in certain positions that are psycholinguistically privileged such as root-initial syllables. Such positions not only trigger vowel harmony but may also block or fail to undergo vowel harmony process initiated elsewhere even when such a process is regular or expected in the phonology of the language. In the rule-based derivational analysis, such phenomenon was explained in serial rules that were often blind to outputs and could produce non-recurrent harmony types. Similarly, the derivational approach often failed to account for the privileged status of harmony triggering vowels. In a Positional Faithfulness (PF) account adopted in this study, it is argued that positional sensitive harmony is due to a high-ranked positional faithfulness constraint; IDENT-IO, (F) in an Optimality Theoretic Grammar. In this paper, based on Lubukusu (a Bantu language of Kenya), it is shown that vowel height harmony that is initiated in the root initial syllable can best be accounted for by recourse to constraint interaction in which positional specific faithfulness constraints dominates general faithfulness and markedness constraints. Vowels in root initial syllables may initiate or block vowel height harmony based on a universal constraint ranking for root-initial faithfulness. The analysis confirms that faithfulness constraints that are positional sensitive may be responsible for root induced vowel height harmony because such positions are psycholinguistically privileged in general language processing. Keywords : Positional faithfulness, vowel harmony, optimal, constraints, markedness DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/82-04 Publication date: October 31 st 2021


  • Vowel harmony is a special type of phonological assimilatory process in which vowels share certain phonological features with contrastive vowels elsewhere either in a word or a phrase

  • 4 Summary and Conclusion The constraints proposed for the analysis of positional faithfulness in vowel harmony have yielded the outputs attested in the language

  • The fact that the same constraints and ranking handle the various aspects of height harmony is a testimony of the economy of the evaluation available by simple recourse to constraint interaction

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Vowel harmony is a special type of phonological assimilatory process in which vowels share certain phonological features with contrastive vowels elsewhere either in a word or a phrase. In initial syllable governed harmony, the phonological features of the vowels in the root-initial syllable are shared by the subsequent root vowels and their affixes in progressive assimilation Among these harmony types are the vowel height and [ATR] harmony prevalent among Bantu languages and the palatal and labial harmony common among the Uralic and Altaic languages of Europe (Hulst & Weijer, 1995; Casali, 2008). Based on this ranking, it will be shown that positional faithfulness account can explain the vowel height harmony system attested in Lubukusu similar to what has been reported in related Bantu languages (Beckman, 1999; Hyman, 2002; Casali, 2008).

Vowel Height Harmony in Lubukusu
Blocking of Vowel Height Harmony
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