
Part 1 An increase in the supply of female labour: population changes do not seem to be responsible for the tensions on the European labour market an increase in the activity rates for women between twenty-five and forty-nine is visible throughout the Community activity rates by age - differentiated profiles - differentiated profiles, developments in the directionof the Danish model explanatory factors - to be sought within the context of labour supply and demand - a falling off in the influence of family responsibilities, levels of educational attainment - the deciding factor for the participation of women to the labour market, other factors. Appendices: link between activity rates and children's numbers and ages - national data link between women's activity and their levels of educational attainment. Part 2 Growth and segregation in female employment: the increase in female employment between 1983 and 1989 the concentration of female employment in the tertiary sector the decline of employment in agriculture the accentuation of regional disparities the bad example of the public sector - part-time working, temporary working. Appendix: detailed statistics in relation to the distribution and the growth of employment, by sectors, by regions and by status. Part 3 Employment types and status - no improvement between 1983 and 1989: the majority are still in subordinate direct employment - subordinate direct employment, self-employment - decrease in family workers atypical employment - part-time work remains a characteristic of women in northern Europe - part-time working - differentiated evolutions, temporary employment - development in the countries of southern Europe, rotating, unsocial and split working hours. Appendices: distribution of the part-time work following the working time distribution of part-time employment by age groups. Part 4 Conditions of remuneration - persistence and increaswe of the disparities: harmonized income statistics - imperfect tool for the analysis of discrimination the development and position of women's relative earnings - presistence and worsening of the differences - differentials by age, differentials by levels of educational attainment (part contents).

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