
In the article we analyse role of khan’s dockets and sultan’s firmans as sources of law and documents, which were legitimized in the borders of legal field of Crimean khan’s state in the regulation of land law relations and mechanisms of there functioning and using in the practice. The law system of Crimean Khanate had a some structure which was based on Islam. But, the formal documents were also used on law and court practice. One of them were khan’s dockets and sultan’s firmans in the sphere of land relations. The main props of khan’s docket were khan’s name and a colour tamga. Nowadays it’s a print. Tamga was the index of dicket’s power. Tamga was differenced on red, blue, gold and black. The main law power had a red tamga. The number of tamga’s using on one docket was the index of respect to man, who get a docket. For the acting in time dockets were differenced on constant and temporal. Khans issued a dockets for the provision land in property or in rent for their subjects, reaffirmed the ownership, prolonged the term of land possession, take away the steades of illegal owners. The issuance of dockets always occurred «underarm». Namely, the subject petitioned before khan for the allocation of the ownership of the land for the formula «horse carts». It was connected with the times when petitioner for requesting of his execution sumed the horse to khan. In the latest times of Crimean Khanate subjects pay money to khan for issuance the dockets in their favor. In Crimean Khanate land possession was differenced on constant, temporal (in the rent form) and legacy. Khans issued dockets in all kinds of land possession. The khans dockets legally secured that kind of ownership, which was formed on the territory of Crimean tatars community for the law of freehold. In the XV century Crimean Khanate was the vassal of Ottoman Empire. Ottomans grabed the territory of South Coast of Crimea. It territory was a domain of Turkish sultan. Monarch issued on this territory acts, which named firmans. By their nature, they almost indistinguishable from khans dockets. Difference was that subjects addressed with their petition to Turkish sultan, because this lands was in empire jurisdiction. Sultan appointed a manager, who formally controlled south coast lands in behalf of sultan. We investigated that thanks the practical using of khans dockets and sultan firmans the land relations was extensive progressed, special in the law regulation of Land freehold, rent and purchase and sale. This relations was regulated in monarch documents on the principles of justice, reasonableness, values of islam, rational using of natural resources. The documents regulated the relations of physical and collective subjects in Crimean Khanate. Khans dockets and sultan firmans used as legal authorities in the Crimean courts.

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