
In this study, it was aimed to examine the probability problems which were posed based on continuous sample space and discrete sample space. Participants of the study consisted of 48 university students selected by using the convenience sampling method. Eight tasks related to continuous and discrete variables were designed by the researcher. Eight problems posed by each student in accordance with these tasks, their reflection papers and interviews conducted with them constituted the data of the study. Problems were analysed according to appropriateness, solvability, context, applicability, language and variable type dimensions. Findings revealed that most solvable problems were in real-life context, applicable and had clear language. However, most of the unsolvable problems had missing information. Inappropriate problems either were not generated depending on the task instructions or suitable variables were not used in them. Students had difficulties particularly in posing continuous sample space problems. It was concluded that problem posing was an effective practice for students since it enhanced their knowledge about probability and helped them to gain insight into problem posing.

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