
IN addition to the paintings and other studies at the Royal Academy mentioned by Dr. Vaughan Cornish in his article published elsewhere in this issue, the exhibits include portraits of the following: Dr. Alfred Cox, medical secretary to the British Medical Association, 1912–32 (190), by Sir Arthur Cope; Dr. Thomas Sinclair, M.P. for the Queen's University of Belfast (210), by Mr. George Harcourt; Prof. Blair Bell, of the University of Liverpool (261), by Mr. John A. A. Berrie; Prof. R. S. Troup, director of the Imperial Forestry Institute, Oxford (332), by Mr. Peter A. Hay; Sir Robert Witt, vice-chairman of the Institute of Industrial Psychology (377), by Mr. Oswald Birley; Dr. W. W. Vaughan, headmaster of Rugby School, 1921–31 (398), by Mr. Glyn Philpot; Mr. F. Howard Livens, vice-president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (447), by Mr. Arthur G. Walker; Dr. Bevan Lean, headmaster of Sidcot, Somerset, 1902–30 (542), by Mr. Bertram Priestman; Lieut.—Gen. the Right Hon. J. C. Smuts, president in 1931 of the British Association (594), by Mr. John Wheatley. Among the statuary we notice: Sir Ernest Shackleton (1390), statue, and Lord Melchett (1392), relief, both by Mr. Sargeant Jagger; Sir Ambrose Fleming, emeritus professor of electrical engineering in the University of London (1492), bronze bust, by Mr. George H. Paulin; Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose, director of the Bose Research Institute, Calcutta (1564), bronze head, by Marguerite Milward.

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