
Portrait of the Illness as Nightmare Leila Chatti (bio) No matter how many times you ring the bell in the bad dark,no one will let you in. You face the fun house with its mirrors on the outsideso everyone can see. And everyone looks. You are in your underwear and the room is cold. The doctor's stethoscope pressed to youbecomes suddenly a snake. Your heart hisses in its cage. Your heart sputters, a doused flame. You are drowning in your blue paper gown, which recedesin the back like an ocean, your skin a bank of hot sand. The horizon bleeds and the days and youwander lost in a city of scalpels where everything glitters and pills fade like moons on your tongue. You sidle throughsterile labyrinths and piss in a cup. You wait in a room like a chapel or the belly of a beast. Either way, you thinksomething will save you, you believe this the whole fearsome time. Your god comes and he is ordinary and terrible. He conferswith the doctors at your kitchen table and tells you to eat your clots, round as peas. You want dessert. You want todeceive him, but he, like you, has eyes, and uses them. You are grounded, in the ground. The pit is a tuband you are washing in your body's black water. You rise like a fever. You writhe on a bed on a stage, the strings reachingtoward heaven. There is a momentary break for everyone else: intermission. They chatter in the lobby. You babblesymptoms in a white confessional. You fall from a great height and land on a gurney. You are at the front of a classroom and you are strippedto your bones. The doctor points to your pelvis. You model the tumors—in this light they look pretty, like jewels. [End Page 176] Leila Chatti Leila Chatti is a Tunisian-American poet and author of Tunsiya/Amrikiya (Bull City Press, 2018). She is the recipient of the 2017–2018 Ron Wallace Poetry Fellowship at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, a writing fellowship from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, scholarships from the Tin House Writers' Workshop and Dickinson House, and prizes from the Ploughshares Emerging Writer's Contest, Narrative Magazine's 30 Below 30 contest, and the Academy of American Poets. Her poems appear in Best New Poets, Ploughshares, Tin House, Georgia Review, Missouri Review, West Branch, Narrative, the Rumpus, and elsewhere. Copyright © 2017 Middlebury College Publications

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