
Portal Nina Oteria (bio) In a dream, you could do that. Hug someone you haven't seen in years without crying.You could feel like you still lived in your old bedroom. You could go back to before likenothing, like magic, like the reverse of water down the drain. I wish I could have said what I wanted to then, but I was trying to hold back the windfrom my cheeks. The minute stretches long then time splits me into colors. Suspendedin time, we spin leaves before they hit the ground. Let's dance in front of the garage!Let's catch the frogs and the leaves and the neighbor's dog called Muffin. He sings inthe yard to the cat called Cookie to come on home in a low melodic tone. Time ain't nothing anyway, just dirt on the rug. You can brush it out of the way with aneyelash, out of the way with a word. You can visit me somewhere impossible and grandbut I'll look for you in the dining room, at the cherrywood table, Sunday at three. Youknow which chair, behind the hedges. I'll leave the garden light on for you. I'll wait aslong as I need to. The land demands us as we were. Innocent, loving, magnolia petalsoft, pine pungent. Resilient like air. [End Page 126] Nina Oteria nina oteria is a poet and artist from Raleigh, North Carolina. She paints, facilitates poetry workshops, and is one of the founding poets of the Corcoran Poetry Wall in Durham, North Carolina. Nina uses creativity to heal self and community. She holds an MFA in writing and a BA in religion. Copyright © 2022 Center for the Study of the American South

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