
Abstract Three rumen fistulated and catheterized sheep were used to study portal recovery of continuously intraruminally infused short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). Each sheep received six treatments: 0, 60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 mmol h−1 SCFA infused for 8 h in a semi-fasted state. The infused SCFA had a molar proportion of 65:20:15 (acetate:propionate:butyrate). [1 - 13C]Na-acetate was infused intravenously during the experiment for measurement of portal drained viscera (PDV) metabolism and irreversible loss rate (ILR) of acetate. Portal blood flow was measured by ultrasonic flowprobes. Portal blood, arterial blood and rumen liquid were sampled during the last 4 h of the experiments. A model of individual metabolite fluxes in the portal drained viscera is presented. The absorption rate of acetate, measured as portal net appearance plus PDV metabolism, and irreversible loss rate of acetate showed a linear response to infusion rate and accounted for 54 ± 8% and 73 ± 9% of infused acetate, respectively. The B-...

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