
An unexploded ordnance (UXO) survey instrument that simultaneously collects total field magnetic data and frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) induction data was developed and tested for the detection and characterization of buried UXO. The system is comprised of an FDEM sensor operating at 9.8 kHz and a cesium vapor magnetometer. The system was initially tested in dynamic survey (detection) and static cued survey (characterization) modes at the Naval Research Laboratory Blossom Point UXO test facility in Maryland. During these tests, electromagnetic (EM) induced bias in the magnetic data was mitigated by physically offsetting the magnetometer from the EM transmitter coils. In the dynamic survey, the aggregate performance exceeded the detection rates for the individual component sensor technologies. The cued analysis tests showed that target features can be determined by using model-based analyses, and the location estimate errors provided by these analyses were consistently better than the dynamic survey results.

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