
In managing the COVID-19 pandemic, the Malaysian government enforced mandatory body temperature screening as a rudimentary form of infection detection at the entry points of establishments and public transportation. However, previous iterations of IoT body temperature screening systems were bulky, fragile, expensive, and designed for personal use instead of the screening of many people. Therefore, a standalone, portable, and rugged IoT-enabled body temperature screening system for detecting elevated temperatures was developed in this research work. This system uses a proximity sensor to detect subjects and determine their body temperature using a non-contact temperature sensor. Body temperature data is displayed on the device and uploaded over a Wi-Fi network to a cloud server for data storage and analysis. From the cloud server, body temperature information is retrieved and displayed on the Blynk IoT client dashboard for remote monitoring. The device also provides alerts for body temperatures above 37.5 °C. The prototype system performed impressively during the assessment. Body temperature readings were impressively accurate compared to a medical-grade non-contact thermometer, with an average variance of less than 1%. Additionally, the system was highly reliable, with a 100% IoT data broadcast success rate.

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