
A portable free-fall electrostatic separator capable of analyzing gram quantities of charged powders is presented. Unlike a Faraday pail, in which only the net average charge-to-mass (Q/M) ratio of the particles sampled by the instrument is measured, an electrostatic separator is capable of separately measuring the charge-to-mass ratios of positively and negatively charged sampled powders. Thus, with an electrostatic separator it is possible to measure the mass fractions of powders that are charged with different polarities and the respective charge-to-mass ratios, along with the mass fraction of particles that are uncharged or charged below a threshold level. We describe a method of measuring the total charge of the collected particles in real time by incorporating an electrometer to integrate the current flowing through the collecting electrode to the high voltage power supply. In this manner, both the total charge and total mass of powder deposited on the two electrodes are measured in near real time, providing information on charge-to-mass ratio of the aerosol cloud sampled. Such real time measurements are often needed to analyze the electrostatic charging properties of small quantities of dispersed powder, particularly in such applications where the charge characteristics are of high importance.

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