
Objective: Several surgical and technical mechanisms have been proposed for the development of port-site metastasis, but the influence of tumor and host biologic factors has not been emphasized. We present a case of a pelvic chordoma that metastasized to a prior laparoscopic radical nephrectomy port-site. Methods: A 62-year-old woman underwent laparoscopic radical nephrectomy (LRN) for a pT1b grade 3 renal cell carcinoma, followed 6 weeks later by resection of a sacral chordoma. The incisions and areas of dissection for the two procedures were discontinuous. Results: Eight months following the LRN she developed a nodule in one of the laparoscopic port-sites. The port-site metastasis was treated with wide surgical resection, which was confirmed as metastatic chordoma on histologic examination. Conclusion: Based on the chronological sequence and physical distance between surgical sites, only biological factors could have contributed to this port-site metastasis. This unusual case highlights the important role that tumor and host biologic mechanisms play in the development of port-site metastasis.

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