
Since the very beginning man uses movement and dance. With them he comunicates. expresses himself, satisfies himself, fascinates himself, educates himself Among several dance style. ballroom dance is an activity which complexity can be addapted to individual skills. it is approachable to either gender and to all ages and it can provide situations of optimal experience. Therefore, this study had the purpose to investigate the reasons why younger people and adults practice ballroom dance. Two groups were investigated: the first group with 60 subjects (25 males and 35 females) with average age equal to 52.18 years and the second group with 38 subjects (15 males and 23 females) with average age equal to 14.76 years. The results showed that firstly satisfaction was the strongest motive that guided adults and youthful to practice ballroom dance. Secondly, the results showed ballroom dance as a good option to fulfil free time. although adults enfasyzed this aspect a lot more than adolescents. Sociability as a motive to practice ballroom dance appeared in both groups with equivalent percentages. In accordance with the investigated subjects. ballroom dance provides satisfaction and it can be considered a leisure activity that facilitates socialization. These aspects are basic to the devepment of the individual. In this way. ballroom dance is suggested not only as an informal activity but also as an activity in the school curriculum.

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