
BACKGROUND: To analyze the state and trends in the population, the study of age characteristics and other indicators is the basis of targeted social support programs for citizens of working age and older than working age in the Russian Federation.
 AIMS: To identify the demographic characteristics of the population in the Republic of Dagestan and determine current trends in the demographic development of the region.
 MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study population included individuals of working age and older-than-working age in the Republic of Dagestan. Official data of the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Dagestan were used. Analytical methods, expert assessment methods, and statistical and demographic analyses were employed, which ensured the validity of the research results. A continuous longitudinal study was conducted. When analyzing the trend in the dynamics of the adult population in the Republic of Dagestan (19992020), Excel automatically calculated the R2 value, which characterizes the accuracy of the approximation: the closer the R2 value to 1, the more reliably the trend line approximated the process under study. In the study, the R2 value was 0.902.
 RESULTS: Demographic indicators of the population reflect the state of the public health, being important criteria for assessing the working capacity of the population, quality of life, and level of socioeconomic development of the society. Periods of significant growth were identified. In 2004, the visibility indicator was 122.7%, whereas in 2003, the visibility indicator was 103.7%, i.e., the population increased by 18.3%, and the growth rate in 2004 was 18.3%. In 2011, the visibility indicator was 140.65, whereas in 2003, the visibility indicator was 129.1%, with a growth rate of 8.9%.
 CONCLUSIONS: The results of the analysis of the working-age and older-thanworking-age population in the Republic of Dagestan are of practical importance for ministries and departments involved in the development of measures for social support of citizens.

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