
Abstract Survivors of violence against women and girls (VAWG) are often stigmatized, resulting in unreported cases and missed opportunities for support services. In this analysis we aimed to estimate the real size of VAWG in Tirana district between 2019-2022. Size estimation was based on capture-recapture methodologies using two independent databases; from the Counselling Line for Women and Girls (CLWG), a non-governmental agency providing counselling to survivors of VAWG, and the Registry of Violence in Albania (REVALB), the official registry of VAWG. There were 155 and 895 cases respectively in CLWG and REVALB. 48 women were found in both registries. The first points of contact for survivors of VAWG were Police, Court/Judge and Municipality services while none of the women recorded in REVALB reported accessing health, education or NGO services. The estimated number of reportable VAWG cases in Tirana district between January 2019- August 2022 was 2890 (95% CI:2218-3562). The estimation is highest for 2021 with 1418 cases (95% CI:766-2069) and lowest for 2020 with 251 cases (95% CI:101-400). Real number of reportable survivors and victims of VAWG is at least 3 times higher than the cases officially registered in the national database in Tirana. The estimation for 2020 is highly affected by an important decrease in registration of cases during first year of COVID-19 pandemic. More efforts should be made, especially by the health services, to identify and refer as needed potential cases of VAWG. Key messages • Real number of reportable survivors and victims of VAWG is at least 3 times higher than the cases officially registered in the national database in Tirana • ore efforts should be made, especially by the health services, to identify and refer as needed potential cases of VAWG.

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