
The combination of fluticasone propionate (FLP) and salmeterol (SAL) is often used in clinical practice for the treatment of pulmonary disorders. The purpose of this study was to explore the pharmacokinetics (PK) of inhaled FLP and SAL, after concomitant administration, in healthy male and female subjects using two dry powder inhalers. Plasma concentration (C)–time (t) data were obtained from a single dose, two-sequence, two-period, crossover (2×2) bioequivalence (BE) study. Activated charcoal was co-administered in order to prohibit absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. A number of 60 subjects were recruited, while 57 of them completed the study and were included in the PK analysis. Initially, PK parameters of FLP and SAL were estimated using the classic non-compartmental methods. Subsequently, BE assessment was applied to the estimated PK parameters of the two dry powder inhalers. Special focus was placed on the population PK analysis of the C–t data, which were pooled together. ‘Treatment’ (i.e., test or reference) and ‘period’ of the BE study were considered as covariates. A variety of structural and residual error models were tested to find the one which best described the plasma C–t data of FLP and SAL. Demographic data were also evaluated for their impact on the PK parameters. Several goodness-of-fit criteria were utilized. The non-compartmental PK estimates of this study were in agreement with previously reported values. The population PK analysis showed that FLP data were described by a two-compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination kinetics. Body weight was found to affect significantly absorption rate constant, inter-compartmental clearance, and volume of distribution of the peripheral compartment. As body weight increases, the values of these PK parameters also rise. For SAL, the best results were obtained when a two-compartment disposition model was used assuming very rapid absorption kinetics (like intravenous bolus) and first-order elimination kinetics. Gender was found to be a significant covariate on clearance, with men exhibiting higher clearance than women.

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