
Ecotoxicological studies using single test populations may miss the inherent variation of natural systems and limit our understanding of how contaminants affect focal species. Though population-level variation in pesticide tolerance is commonly observed in host taxa, few studies have assessed population-level differences in the tolerance of parasites to different contaminants. We investigated population-level variation in insecticide tolerance of three Echinostoma trivolvis life stages (egg, miracidium, and cercaria) to three insecticides (carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, and diazinon). We tested two relevant metrics of insecticide tolerance—baseline and induced—across up to eight different parasite populations per life stage. Across all life stages, the insecticide treatments tended to reduce survival, but the magnitude of their effects often varied significantly among populations. Surprisingly, we found that exposure to chlorpyrifos increased the hatching success of echinostome eggs relative to the control treatment in three of six tested populations. We also found that cercariae shed from snails previously exposed to a sublethal concentration of chlorpyrifos had a significantly lower mortality rate when subsequently exposed to a lethal concentration of chlorpyrifos relative to individuals from snails that were not previously exposed; this suggests inducible tolerance in cercariae. We found no evidence that insecticide tolerance is correlated across parasite life stages within a population. Together the findings of our study demonstrate that single-population toxicity assays may greatly over- or underestimate the effects of pesticides on the survival of free-living parasite stages, insecticide tolerance levels may not be predictable from one parasite life stage to the next, and insecticides can have both expected and counterintuitive effects on non-target taxa.

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