
Bacterial leaf/fruit spot and canker of stone fruits, caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, is a recurrent disease in Italy. A set of 23 strains has been isolated in peach and plum orchards in an intensively stone fruit cultivated area located in north-eastern Italy. They were all identified as X. arboricola pv. pruni by means of phytopathological and serological features: hypersensitive reaction on bean pods, pathogenicity test on immature peach or plum fruitlets, identification by immunofluorescence assay and conventional PCR. Phylogenetic analysis based on sequencing of the gyrB housekeeping gene of the isolates showed that they formed a unique clade, well characterised and separated from other xanthomonads. An insight into the genetic population features was attempted by rep-PCR analysis, using the ERIC, REP and BOX primers. The combined rep-PCR fingerprints showed a slight intra-pathovar variation within our isolates, which grouped in five close clusters. Copper resistance has been assessed in vitro for our whole X. arboricola pv. pruni collection, highlighting that two isolates show a level of resistance in vitro up to 200 ppm of copper. Nonetheless, the copLAB gene cluster, present in many other species of Xanthomonads, was not detected in any isolate, confirming the presence of a still unknown mechanism of copper detoxification in our Xanthomonads arboricola pv. pruni tolerant/resistant strains.

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