
Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is the only Strepsirrhine Primate that can be found in Indonesia and one of two nocturnal primates genera that can be found in Indonesia (besides Tarsius spp). Javan slow loris are endemic primate and have high threat of extinction, IUCN (International Union of Nature and natural Resources) determined the conservation status as Critically Endangered, so that more serious conservation efforts are needed. This study aims to determine the distribution and abudance of populations (N.javanicus) in Dayeuhluhur village, Ganeas District, Sumedang, West Java with total study area of 60 hectares. By using Recces method, data collection of direct encounters done at night on three different transect (Nangkod, Balisuk, and Sukarasa) for three different years. The abundance of Javan slow loris in 2015 was 0,216 indv/ha, and decrease in 2017 was 0,133 indv/ha and in 2018 was 0,200 indv/ha. The existence data of primates is important for conservation strategy, especially for endemic and endangered primate management outside conservation areas.

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