
Field experiment was carried out at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Vijayapura, to study population dynamics of insect pests and their natural enemies in pearl millet ecosystem. The present study revealed that, dead heart per cent (14.45%) due to shoot fly, Atherigona approximata (Malloch) was peak during 35th Standard Meteorological Week (SMW), per cent damage due to stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was at peak during the 37th SMW (4.55%) and highest blister beetle, Lytta sp. population was observed during 38th SMW (12 beetles/ 5 Ear heads). While, the maximum population of aphid Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) and its predators, such as coccinellids Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius), Harmonia octomaculata (Fabricius) and spiders were recorded during the 34th SMW and the green lacewing Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi (Ebson-petersen) population at 35th SMW. The correlation studies indicated that, dead heart per cent due to shoot fly revealed a significant positive correlation with maximum temperature (r= 0.588*) and stem borer infestation revealed a significant positive correlation with maximum relative humidity (r= 603*) and sunshine hours (r= 585*). None of the weather parameters showed a significant correlation with the incidence of blister beetle and aphid populations.

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