
A Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, 1824 and Anastrepha Schiner, 1868 fruit flies form a pest group of great economic importance to fruit crops worldwide. To facilitate the identification of the most common species of Anastrepha in Itaguai, a pictorial key was developed. This chapter aims to identify the species of fruit flies collected at three locations in Itaguai over a four-year survey period from December 1988 to December 1992. Fruits were collected in the field and taken to the Centro Integrado de Manejo de Pragas ‘Cincinnato Rory Goncalves’/UFRRJ, where they were deposited in plastic trays containing previously-sterilized soil and cradled in special cages to capture adult fruit flies. After emergence, the tephritid flies were collected and packed in labelled glass flasks containing a mixture of alcohol and glycerine. Then the flies were sexed and identified using a key to species of fruit flies.

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