
We investigate population and individual firing behaviors in sparsely synchronized rhythms (SSRs) in a spiking neural network of the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG). The main encoding granule cells (GCs) are grouped into lamellar clusters. In each GC cluster, there is one inhibitory (I) basket cell (BC) along with excitatory (E) GCs, and they form the E-I loop. Winner-take-all competition, leading to sparse activation of the GCs, occurs in each GC cluster. Such sparsity has been thought to enhance pattern separation performed in the DG. During the winner-take-all competition, SSRs are found to appear in each population of the GCs and the BCs through interaction of excitation of the GCs with inhibition of the BCs. Sparsely synchronized spiking stripes appear successively with the population frequency Hz) in the raster plots of spikes. We also note that excitatory hilar mossy cells (MCs) control the firing activity of the GC-BC loop by providing excitation to both the GCs and the BCs. SSR also appears in the population of MCs via interaction with the GCs (i.e., GC-MC loop). Population behaviors in the SSRs are quantitatively characterized in terms of the synchronization measures. In addition, we investigate individual firing activity of GCs, BCs, and MCs in the SSRs. Individual GCs exhibit random spike skipping, leading to a multi-peaked inter-spike-interval histogram, which is well characterized in terms of the random phase-locking degree. In this case, population-averaged mean-firing-rate (MFR) is less than the population frequency . On the other hand, both BCs and MCs show "intrastripe" burstings within stripes, together with random spike skipping. Thus, the population-averaged MFR ( MC and BC) is larger than , in contrast to the case of the GCs. MC loss may occur during epileptogenesis. With decreasing the fraction of the MCs, changes in the population and individual firings in the SSRs are also studied. Finally, quantitative association between the population/individual firing behaviors in the SSRs and the winner-take-all competition is discussed.

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