
We studied population and ecological characteristics of caracal (Felis caracal) using camera traps in Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve (RTR), western India, from 2006 to 2009. We obtained 37 caracal captures over 25,156 camera-nights, with a capture success rate of 0.02–0.34 captures/100 trap-nights or 1 caracal/679.9 trap-nights over 4 years. Our results revels that caracal presence was associated with forest and undulating terrain. Caracals were more active late at night and during crepuscular hours. There was a difference in their activity between dusk and dawn. Because this is the first study in India, which generated baseline information about the ecological characteristics of the caracal it may be used for developing conservation and management plans for this species. We also suggest that the RTR and its surrounding areas could be highlighted as a global conservation region for caracal.

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