
Ascaridia galli populations in intestine of chickens treated with combination of excretory/secretory L3 and immunoglobulin yolkABSTRACT. The purpose of the present study was to determine the presence of worm populations in intestine of chickens vaccinated and combined with egg yolk to experimental Ascaridia galli infection. Amount of 18 head chickens were devided into six groups (A – F). Group A, the chickens were not vaccinated. Group B, the chickens were vaccinated with excretory/secretory of A. galli L3. Group C, the chickens were vaccinated with excretory/secretory of A. galli L3, challenged with dose 1000 L2, and treated ten times with 0,875 mg egg yolk with an interval of one day intra orally. Group D, the chickens were vaccinated with excretory/secretory of A. galli L3 and challenged with dose 1000 L2. Group E, the chickens were challenged with dose 1000 L2 and treated ten times with 0,875 mg egg yolk with an interval of one day intra orally. Group E, the chickens were challenged with dose 1000 L2. Intestinal worm burdens of infected groups were recorded. The result showed that excretory/secretory of A. galli L3 combined with egg yolk decreased significantly A. galli survival in intestine of laying hens. Vaccinations were positively correlated with worm burden at 12 weeks after chalanged. The results suggest that A. galli L3 excretory/secretory product contain potential antigen and that antibody-mediated mechanisms contribute to immune protection.


  • Fifth Edition, WBSounders Company, a Division of Harcourt Brace and Company

  • The results suggest that A. galli L3 excretory/secretory product contain potential antigen and that antibody-mediated mechanisms contribute to immune protection

  • Responses to the LDNF GlycanW., Moreau, E., Peigné, F., Huang, W., and Chauvin, A., 2005

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Ayam Percobaan Sebanyak 18 ekor ayam berumur 12 minggu digunakan pada penelitian ini. Kelompok B, ayam divaksin dengan ekskretori/sekretori stadium L3 A. galli. Kelompok C, ayam divaksin dengan ekskretori/sekretori stadium L3 A. galli, ditantang dengan dosis 1000 L2 A. galli, dan diberikan imunoglobulin yolk (IgY). Kelompok D, ayam divaksin dengan ekskretori/sekretori stadium L3 A. galli dan ditantang dengan dosis 1000 L2 A. galli. Kelompok E, ayam ditantang dengan dosis 1000 L2 A. galli dan diberikan IgY. Larva infektif (L2) dikultur pada temperatur kamar, dikemas dalam eppendorf dengan dosis 1000 L2, dan siap diberikan kepada ayam donor (Tiuria, 1991) seperti dijelaskan oleh Darmawi et al (2006). Percobaan in vivo Vaksinasi pada ayam percobaan mengikuti teknik vaksinasi seperti yang telah dijelaskan pada preparasi IgY dalam penelitian ini, yaitu empat kali vaksinasi dalam interval waktu satu minggu setiap kali vaksinasi. Semua ayam percobaan dipotong dan dinekropsi pada minggu ke-12 pasca pemberian dosis 1000 L2 A. galli. Dilanjutkan dengan uji wilayah berganda Duncan (Stell dan Torrie, 1999)

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Research and Development
Responses to the LDNF Glycan
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