
Purpose- This study aims to explore emergence and the impact of capitalism in Turkish press. Until 1950s in Turkey newspaper bosses had been someone who had trained in journalism. This paper investigates how In the 1980s, the media organs which was shaped by tradition of journalist employers passed into professional employers who was not in media and then the artisanship came to end in the press and also analyse its effect on content. Methodology- A face-to-face questionnaire was administered to reporters at Istanbul in 2018 and also through a literature review of articles on newspaper’s mag pages, pressman experience and press owner experience, Pareto's treatment of the circulation of elites are discussed and the empirical approaches to measure the reader experience are examined. Adorno's culture industry theory is able to show how culture has assumed the form of a tool of domination. Findings- Although there is a significant number of studies on the topic in the printed media literature, a commonly accepted scale measuring the reader experience has not been developed yet in the literature in Turkey. However, the literature and questionnaires highlight the dimensions and show the parallelism between ownership transition and transformation of cultural medium such as newspaper into the meta. As a result of that it is revealed that magazine news affects consumer behavior. Conclusion- By the change of employers’ magazine news became the most effective method to reduce the journalists to silence as a self-censor mechanism. In this process, all the instruments of the culture industry were directed towards producing an apolitical, non-critical society. Mag pages of magazines and newspapers in Turkey; served to present and promote consumer culture.

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