
THIS admirable little book forms an agreeable and popular introduction to a much neglected group of plants. Written in a pleasant easy style, it yet conveys a great deal of sound information. Mr. Britten having drawn on his imagination merely for the setting of his facts, not for the facts themselves. The different illustrations convey a tolerably accurate idea of the plants represented. The edible fungi are carefully described, and most useful hints and directions given as to the modes of cooking and preparing for table. The poisonous forms also receive a considerable share of attention, and the characters are carefully given, but even with all sorts of descriptions we cannot but think that there is always danger from such genera as Lactarius and Russula. Besides treating of the usual edible and poisonous fungi, Mr. Britten gives a chapter on Dry Rot, another on Luminous Fungi, and another on the Sphaeriacei. Throughout the whole book we constantly meet with quaint quotations from old authors. The book, then, is not only a very pleasant and readable one, but conveys a great deal of sound information on the subject therein treated.

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