
The purpose of the article is to identify the points of crossing of pop songs and academic chamber vocal music in the Ukrainian cultural and artistic space of the second half of the 20th century. The methodology involves the use of analytical, systemic and historical, and cultural methods to identify the relationship between the pop song genre and academic chamber vocal music in the Ukrainian musical culture of the second half of the 20th century. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the characterization of I. Karabits’ pop songs from the point of view of combining the features of pop and academic chamber vocal music in them. Conclusions. Pop song and chamber vocal music, represented by the genre of solo singing, developed separately in the Ukrainian cultural space of the 1950s-1980s, but their paths often crossed. In the context of their interaction in pop-song creativity, the process of academization takes place, and in academic music – hitting. Based on the analysis of two popular pop songs by I.Karabits «My land is my love» and «A song for good», a specific feature of a number of vocal compositions of the composer was discovered and described, which are functionally ambivalent and correspond to the aesthetics of both academic and pop music, and therefore, they are indicated as works of dual-use – for both the academic and the pop scene. This duality is based on the musical component of a vocal work, which, with variability in the interpretation of the instrumental (and sometimes vocal) component, can enhance the features of both academic and pop music.


  • Pop-song and academic chamber vocal music: points of crossing The purpose of the article is to identify the points of crossing of pop songs and academic chamber vocal music in the Ukrainian cultural and artistic space of the second half of the 20th century

  • The methodology involves the use of analytical, systemic and historical, and cultural methods to identify the relationship between the pop song genre and academic chamber vocal music in the Ukrainian musical culture of the second half of the 20th century

  • Based on the analysis of two popular pop songs by I.Karabits «My land is my love» and «A song for good», a specific feature of a number of vocal compositions of the composer was discovered and described, which are functionally ambivalent and correspond to the aesthetics of both academic and pop music, and they are indicated as works of dual-use – for both the academic and the pop scene

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Pop-song and academic chamber vocal music: points of crossing The purpose of the article is to identify the points of crossing of pop songs and academic chamber vocal music in the Ukrainian cultural and artistic space of the second half of the 20th century. Ключові слова: естрадна пісня, академічна камерно-вокальна музика, академізація естрадної музики, пісні Івана Карабиця. В українській науковій думці неодноразово підіймалися питання взаємозв’язків академічної і неакадемічної музики, як в контексті дослідження академічних музичних жанрів, так і естрадних.

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