
Although it is generally recognized that immunity is costly, not much is known about how these costs are dis- tributed among different compartments of the immune sys- tem. Using lines of Drosophila melanogaster that differed in their antibacterial innate immune response due to differ- ences in the functional transcription factor Relish, we set out to investigate the condition-dependent effects of immuno- logical maintenance on mating success. We found that when the flies were raised under poor nutritional conditions as lar- vae, and provided that among wild-type flies being large was costly in terms of reduced mating success, immunodeficient mutant flies that have to invest less in the maintenance of the Imd signalling pathway achieved a higher mating success compared with wild-type flies. The results indicate a trade- off between immunological maintenance and traits associ- ated with male mating success, and highlight the importance of early-life environment in determining adult performance.

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