
Continuous mouse bone marrow cultures were infected with Friend murine leukemia virus. Production of nonadherent (NA) and adherent cells, granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming unit(s) of progenitor cells (GM-CFUc), pluripotential hematopoietic stem cells (CFUs), the self-renewal potential (Rs) of CFUs, and generation of factor-dependent (FD) multipotential and committed permanent stem cell cloned lines were measured. Uninfected marrow cultures from C57BL/6J, C57BL/6JUt, B6.S, C3H/HeJ, (C57BL/6J x DBA/2J)F1, CD- 1 Swiss, or N:NIH(S) mice generated NA cells, GM-CFUc, and CFUs for 20-41 weeks; cultures infected with Rauscher or other helper viruses generated them for 35-45 weeks. GM-CFUc and CFUs production in SFFV-positive cultures persisted for over 65 weeks and exceeded control levels by twentyfold to fiftyfold. The Rs of CFUs in SFFV-positive cultures was not detectably increased above control cultures. Multipotential (erythroid-neutrophil-mast cell-basophil-eosinophil) permanent FD cell clones were derived from control and SFFV-positive cultures. Thus SFFV amplifies the stem cell pool in vitro without detectably increasing the Rs capacity of CFUs.

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