
Recently rocket observations on spikelets of lower‐hybrid waves along with strong density cavities and transversely heated ions were reported. The observed thin filamentary cavities oriented along the magnetic field in the auroral plasma have density depletions up to several tens of percent. These observations have been interpreted in terms of a theory for lower‐hybrid wave condensation and collapse. The modulational instability leading to the wave condensation of the lower‐hybrid waves yields only weak density perturbations, which cannot explain the above strong density depletions. The wave collapse theory is based on the nonlinear pondermotive force in a homogeneous ambient plasma and the density depletion is determined by the balance between the wave pressure (pondermotive force) and the plasma pressure. In the auroral plasma, the balance is achieved in a time τwc ≤1 ms. It is shown here that the mirror force, acting on the transversely heated ions at a relatively long time scale, is an effective mechanism for creating the strong plasma cavities. We suggest that the process of wave condensation, through the pondermotive force causing generation of short wavelength waves from relatively long wavelength waves, is a dominant process until the former waves evolve and become effective in the transverse heating of ions. As soon as this happens, mirror force on ions becomes an important factor in the creation of the density cavities, which may further trap and enhance the waves. Results from a model of cavity formation by transverse ion heating show that the observed depletions in the density cavities can be produced by the heating rates determined by the observed wave amplitudes near the lower‐hybrid frequency. It is found that the creation of a strong density cavity takes a few minutes.

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